Wednesday 16 April 2014


Full Scale Prototype Of The Book Rack
 In This Assignment, We're to be divided into 2 groups for my semester ( Semester 5 of January 2014), which consisted of 3 person (2 girls and 1 guy). The lecturer have had made their outtheir mind for the guy to play the role as the leader of the group to work this project out. Also, we are given within a certain budget limit which was being set.

Firstly, the design have to be decided among the group for whose idea is the best one to be produced. Unfortunately, my design is not being chosen. But, I'm not quiet upset with it because we came out with a better idea to work out with.

It took us sometimes to finished this book rack out, by figuring out the materials, connections, budget, etc. The main thing of this project is to test how far our understanding for building a furniture and it function as well. Although we went through a lot of difficulties and unwanted events, but we did well by finishing our prototype.
The Submission Of The Board And
The Full Scale Prototype
Some Details of The Connections
The Final Board
3D Perspectives Rendered With 3DsMax 2013 Vray 2.3, Photoshop Edited
3D Perspectives Rendered With 3DsMax 2013 Vray 2.3, Photoshop Edited

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