Wednesday 16 April 2014


The Picture Of Crate Chair (Design by Bernt Petersen) 
Miniature Model Done By Me
In this assignment, the whole class have to come out with furniture design in history over six decades who from the
1900's to current around the world. Also, to look into what happened to the world within that timeline and how was the significant design development like?

A particular piece of furniture from the chosen era/time between the 1920s to2000’s, has to be constructed to the almost exact dimensions, in the scale of 1: 5.

In addition, detailing with a matching material a look-alike are to be shown as well. Lastly, the finishing model will be standing on a MDF board base and Perspex/ acrylic cover (miniature) which also comes with an opening.
Finished Product in The Casing (Front View)

Detailing of The Chair

History of The Chair with The Designer and His Works During Within The Timeline

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